Today was the 3rd weekend in a row that my outboards have started and stayed that way! I think that is behind me and looking forward to getting out more often. In the last few weeks I have been tending to some minor stuff.
Last week I went up the mast to retrieve the masthead wind transducer and the anchor light. I was not getting any readings on the wind display. After testing the voltage drops, I was about to send the transducer and display in for repair, but I decided to try and rewire and calibrate. It worked! Saved a bunch of money and now it is working. Next step is to network the displays with the newer i70 autohelm and E80 chartplotter, which I believe are NMEA 0183, NG, and Seatalk respectively.
I bought the teak binoculars holder used and mounted it below the magazine rack as shown.
Now that the wind tranducer is working, I can close up this box. I decided to add a new cabin light under neath.
And added molding Cleans it up nicely!
Till next time!