I purchased a halyard organizer/mast plate from Garhauer. My intent was to install it below the mast base. After removing the 4 bolts that hold the mast base down, there was still something preventing me from removing it. I am guessing there is some sort of attachment below in the cabin, but I did not want to tear up the woodwork. So I just cut a hole in the organizer, placed it on top and secured it with the same 4 bolts.
I also installed the winches. This is the port side showing the winch for the head sail sheets. Forward is a deck organizer for the head sail halyards, so I can lead them aft and use the same winch.
This is the starboard side. the Enkes 16 2-speed winch on the left will be for the main sheet, downhaul, topping lift, and main halyard. Forward is the double stacked deck organizer. The clutches in the picture have not been installed yet. I will set them in place after I tie some mock lines from the halyard organizer and through the deck organizer.
This is near the base of the mast. I will be running the halyards inside the most, so I cut holes for the exit plates. The one exit plate shown is for the electrical loom. The existing wires are shown running out of the middle exit plate hole. They are somehow secured inside the mast as I can not pull them out! Need to figure that one out.
Here is the loom laid out. It includes the wires for the anchor light, steaming light and deck lights, as well as the VHF antenna, wind transducer and WIFI antenna.
I used zip ties with a bit of room for ease of pulling any wire out if necessary. Used a bit of tape to keep the zip tie in place. Today, I tried to pull the loom through the mast, but was blocked by something. I hope I don't have to run the wires individually as I am trying to keep thing inside the mast neat, since I will be running 4 halyards inside as well.
I also was able to squeeze in some finish work on the plumbing in the galley as well as run some more 110V wiring to the galley area. I also ran wiring to the galley area bilge pump and to the area behind the refrigerator to feed the condenser and a wash down pump. Forgot to take pictures of that though. Maybe next post.
Happy New Year!